March 2023: Month Ahead Tarot Reading


Monthly tarot readings are back!

I’ve pulled a collective card for the month ahead as we move into March. I’ve used my trusty favourite deck -  the Neo Tarot deck by Jerico Mandybur for this reading. 

March Tarot Card: Seven Of Pentacles

Key themes: Rest, taking stock, evaluation, celebrating progress

March Affirmation: I embrace a renewed energy with the changing seasons

Heading into March, the Seven of Pentacles reminds us to take stock of where we are, how far we’ve come, and what we’re still working on. 

The seasons are finally starting to change this month - the days will get longer and we’ll start to see the signs of spring emerge all around us. Use this energy to start to see shifts in your own energy, and encourage yourself to shake off the cobwebs from winter and embrace a new season within as well on the outside. 

Winter has been tough and long, so this shift of energy is incredibly welcomed. You can let it wash over you and bring a new sense of hope and a fresh perspective, and just enjoy the longer days and (hopefully!) brighter weather. Or you can choose to work with this energy and nurture the shifts within yourself. The world around us works in cycles, but so do we. We naturally draw inwards in winter and it’s a time for rest and reflection. If you feel like you’ve been stuck for the past few months, or that you’ve struggled to get moving so far this year - don’t panic, it’s only natural.


You might have already started making plans for spring and what you want to do this year, you might be feeling the itch for change of seasons and excited to get going with a renewed sense of energy. Or maybe you’re very much still in hibernation mode and feeling drained and exhausted from the last few months.

Whether you sit on this spectrum, the Seven of Pentacles encourages you to take stock - look at your situation, look at how you’ve survived or thrived over the winter, ask yourself what you’ve learnt and what you want from the next few months. You have things to be proud of, things to celebrate and things to look forward to. Name these things and sit with them a while. Understanding where you are now and being proud of yourself for getting to this point, is the foundation for moving forward.

Spring is a great time for planting seeds - get clear on what you want and set your intentions for the year ahead. The changing of seasons can bring a lot of energy and it can feel a bit weird, so make sure you take time to rest and look after yourself. Be proud of yourself for how far you've come already and lean into the new spring energy when it arrives. 

Journaling prompts: 


Use these journaling prompts to explore the Seven of Pentacles energy and the changing seasons, and then follow your own shift in energy to move into action: 

Looking back on the last four months; 

What am I proud of myself for? 

What have I learnt? 

How have I embraced rest and recovery? 

How would I like to feel in three months time? 

What three things can I do to get closer to this feeling? 

What would I like to achieve in three months time? 

What three things can I do to get closer to these goals?

Want to dive even deeper into tarot with your own bespoke tarot reading? Find out more about my current tarot offerings at the link below!