February 2022 Tarot Reading


Here is your card of the month for February 2022 and what it means for you.

Queen of Pentacles.

Coincidently I pulled this card for a ‘choose your card’ reel on instagram yesterday from a different deck, so definitely lots of Queen of Pentacles vibes around this month.

The Queen of Pentacles embraces her nurturing and generous sides, she has worked hard to build herself up to a position of strength, abundance and inner power. She lives her life in flow and balance - perfecting the balance of work and home life and the balance of caring for herself and caring for others.

This month, the Queen of Pentacles encourages you to embrace your own nurturing energy. Look at how you can bring more compassion, acceptance and generosity into your relationships and the situations that may arise this month - even if they seem complicated.

If you’re in a position to share resources and take care of others, remember that you have worked hard to build yourself up, creating material security and nurturing the inner peace and confidence that you have. There are people who will really benefit from your guidance or support.

If you’re not in a position to be guiding or supporting others right now, turn that nurturing energy inwards. Focus on looking after yourself, creating opportunities and accepting help when it’s offered.

You might be the one accepting help today, and offering it tomorrow - or vice versa. The Queen of Pentacles’ success and abundance is rooted in balance, flow and compassion so don’t get caught up in where you are in relation to everyone else. Know that when you take better care of yourself, you are able to be a better support for those around you, so don’t neglect sending compassion to yourself when you need it most.

Fancy your own online tarot reading? Book a video call reading now to explore the messages and guidance that the tarot have for you. Click the link below for more info and to book.