community archive


Every month I update the community page with new features, opinions and content. After the month is over it t will get added to this blog for your content-consumption pleasures.

June 2021


I started reading tarot three years ago and I started with absolutely no knowledge or experience. I didn’t really know anyone who read tarot, and if I did I wasn’t ready to talk to them about it. Even then tarot felt really sacred to me and I didn’t want to be swayed by anyone else’s influence or opinions. That said, I did listen and learn from a lot of different sources and just picked what seemed like a good fit for me. I’m going to share my top tips for learning tarot as a complete beginner, and I encourage you to do the same - take what seems like a good fit for you and leave the rest.

Read the blog now to see what I what I think and share your opinions in the comments below.

Sugar Storm Soundtracks

Women rock playlist

This month Sugar Storm Studio has teamed up with Fanny Von B aka Ruth H, who has compiled a collection of some of the greatest women in rock and metal. As one of the heaviest paylists in the series, it really packs a punch and celebrates the voices in metal who often go unheard and underrepresented. 

About Fanny Von B aka Ruth H 

Fanny Von B is an artist, DJ, cat enthusiast and bass player in punk-glam band T-Bitch. You can follow them on instagram at @fannyvonbeaverhausen and listen to T-Bitch on Spotify.
Listen on spotify now.

cool things on the internet

Download pilot

Download pilot festival

Download is back! Following on from the live music pilots I talked about last month, Download festival is next on the calendar with a 10,000 person festival pilot taking place later this month. I’m so excited that this is happening and I even managed to get myself a ticket. I’ll be sure to post lots about it over on Instagram.

Find out more here

The Linda Lindas - Racist, Sexist Boy

Punk band The Linda Lindas recently went viral with their punchy library performance of their song ‘Racist, Sexist Boy.’ Their energy, talent and no-fucks vibe is incredible. They also appeared in the Netflix original film Moxie (which is amazing) and have just been signed to Epitaph records. We love to see it.

H.E Creatives - Before Punk Series

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H.E Creatives re-shared a series of illustrations they did in celebration and acknowledgement of the black people that invented alternative music and culture. There’s no place for racism in punk, and we must remember where this culture started, make sure we’re continuing to fight to keep it inclusive and anti-racist. See the full series on instagram.

What do You Think?

15 Years Since The Birth Of Emo

the evolution of emo

I really enjoyed reading this article from Kerrang!, outlining the journey through 2006- the year that really started emo as we know it. Emo music can be traced right back to the 1980s, with bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace, but emo as the household name that it is now, really exploded in the mid 2000s.

‘But if ever a period of time represented the peak of this most nebulous of genres’ powers, it was 2006. It was this 12-month stretch that solidified the superstar status that many of today’s still-prominent rock figures enjoy, shifting the cultural dial within alternative music forever.’ - Kerrang!

I was 12 in 2006 so I wasn’t so much an active participant of emo at this point, as I was onlooking and discovering, but I was vaguely aware of something happening that I definitely wanted to be involved in. I’d heard I’m Not Okay by My Chemical Romance, and was intrigued by this new project that they were teasing, that was theatrical and dark. I remember the first time I saw the Welcome to The Black Parade video on Kerrang! TV in 2006, and my first My Chemical Romance concert was in 2007, so these were really pinnacle years for my music taste, fashion sense and generally identity discovery.

In the years that followed 2006, emo really became a thing in the UK, from the Daily Mail’s war on emo in 2008, to the height of the ‘myspace aesthetic’ and birth of new emo fashion brands including Babycakes, Drop Dead and Glamour Kills. 

Reading back over the year of 2006, and the origins of some of the most iconic bands that really shaped my teenage years made me incredibly nostalgic, but also really excited to see what’s still to come. You can see the emo influence in current pop-punk bands, the new edgier emo-rap and the genre fluidness of rappers recently pop-punk albums. It’s easy to look back on our teenage years and think that was the height of fashion and music, but the beauty of music, particularly alternative music, is that it changes and responds to what’s going on in the world right now. In 2006 emo offered something different, it was a beacon to weird kids everywhere who didn’t fit in, and it still is. But there will always be space for a new wave of different, a new collection of artists with a cause, to guide kids through those tough years.

What do you think? Do you remember 2006 fondly? Do you think the emo influence will continue to have an impact on music or is it time for something completely different? Tag @sugarstormstudio on Instagram to join the conversation. 

May 2021

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Can it tell the future? Is it only reserved for witches and psychics? There’s a lot of myths surrounding tarot and I’m going to give you my opinion on some that I’ve heard since I started researching tarot, and even some that I believed before I knew much about it.

Read the blog now to see what I what I think and share your opinions in the comments below.

From Tiktok

Sugar Storm Soundtracks

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Music has been a massive influence on myself and Sugar Storm Studio from the very beginning, so I am excited to bring you Sugar Storm Soundtracks - celebrating the impact of music, self-expression and switching up the scene.

Follow Sugar Storm Studio on Spotify for a regularly updated collection of themed playlists from Sugar Storm and guest creators. Featuring classics and new music from emo, rock, hip-hop, pop-punk and much more.

This month’s featured playlist is Stay Wild. A punchy playlist of angry, riot music for when you’re feeling pumped up and need to take on the world. Sometimes the world makes us angry and the only way to get through it is turn the music up and scream. Featuring songs from Slipknot, Atreyu, Pinkshift, Machine Gun Kelly and more. Listen on spotify now.

Cool things on the internet

Vans Ad For Creativity

Vans are one of my favourite companies, I think they’re always doing really interesting projects. They are currently doing a really cool initiative where they’re spending their usual ad budget on supporting artist projects. Take a look here to see the full list of projects they’ve been supporting and find some new creatives to follow.

Sumo Cyco - Vertigo

Canadian punk metal band, Sumo Cyco have released a new music video from their upcoming album Initiation (out May 7). About the upcoming album, singer Syke Sweetnam writes ’I have always written lyrics about internal struggle, the war within oneself. Throughout the album, we bounce back and forth between struggle and overcoming. It reflects the times, and there are moments that seem a bit dark.’ Vertigo is fast past and punchy, and I can’t wait to hear the new album.

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Gender 101 from On Wednesdays We Wear Black Podcast

On Wednesdays We Wear Black is an alternative lifestyle podcast giving a platform for voices who often go unheard in the alternative music scenes. Hosted by Sophie K, Alyx Holcombe and Yasmine Suham, they cover fashion, dating and music, alongside the serious conversations that we need to be having. In this episode they take a deep dive into gender, as Yasmine shares her experience of being a non-binary person. It’s a long and heavy listen but it’s such an important conversation.

What do you think?

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The Pilot Return of Live Music

On May 2nd, something really exciting is happening, that is probably going to shape the summer. Liverpool will experience the first live gig in the Northern Hemisphere with no covid restrictions once inside. The gis hosted by Festival Republic, the name behind some of the biggest music festivals in the UK, including Reading and Leeds Festival and Download Festival. 5000 fans will make the return to live music, seeing Blossoms The Lathums and Zuzu on the lineup.

In an interview with NME, Melvin Benn, from festival republic explained that all attendees will be required to take a test and prove a negative result on entry, and once inside the venue ‘’you can take your mask off and pretend that COVID never happened. Just sing, dance, mosh, have a laugh, enjoy the bands and have the most historic night that you’ll ever be involved in.” 

I’ve previously had mixed feelings about the return of live music and unsure about the prospect of having to wear masks and socially distance during gigs, because a massive part of the live music experience for many of us is being able to totally let loose, get up close and personal with strangers and sing our hearts out. Sure it sounds very alien right now, but when the return to gigs does happen, I want that experience again. 

There is also the issue of social distancing meaning reduced capacity, which either means ticket prices have to be hiked up, or certain venues just aren’t able to return to live music because they can’t cover their costs with reduced capacity. We’ve lost so many independent venues already that they really need to be able to fill them up when it’s safe to return, to ensure their survival.

I personally think this pilot is a really exciting first step in the right direction and I’ll be keeping an eye on how it goes. I can’t wait to get back to live music and I think this event gives us a little bit of hope for the light at the end of the tunnel, something that we could really do with right now.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, DM me on insta if you’d like to share.

Quiz time

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Fall Out Boy are known for their iconic song titles, but how well do you know them? Think you could tell a fall out boy song from a film quote? Or some nonsense generated from my brain or auto text function?

Take the quiz to find out just how well you know your iconic emo song titles. And let me tell you, I promise it’s harder than you think it’s gonna be. Share your results on insta and tag @sugarstormstudio.

April 2021


I’ve already made my case for 00s emo trends that deserve a comeback in 2021, so it’s only fair I balance it out with emo trends that I’m glad to see the back of.

Every teenager has gone through questionable fashion choices, and looking back on the past often comes packed with a high cringe-factor, but emo has had more than its fair share of cringe moments, questionable idols and dodgy fashion trends.



Sugar Storm workshops are creative workshops that align with the ethos of Sugar Storm Studio - empowerment, self expression and embracing individuality - and are centered around DIY culture.Workshops are based around technical skills including printmaking, fashion customisation and goal setting to create a space for exploration and experimentation and nurturing self-esteem and empowerment.

Participants will develop their own creative identity and the confidence to embrace it.




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Music has been a massive influence on myself and Sugar Storm Studio from the very beginning, so I am excited to bring you Sugar Storm Soundtracks - celebrating the impact of music, self-expression and switching up the scene.

Follow Sugar Storm Studio on Spotify for a regularly updated collection of themed playlists from Sugar Storm and guest creators. Featuring classics and new music from emo, rock, hip-hop, pop-punk and much more.

This month’s featured playlist is Wake Up Call. A cross-genre playlist full of fast-paced upbeat songs to get you out of bed and ready to take on the day. Set it as your alarm, play it in the shower or listen on your way to work - whenever your day needs a boost of energy. Featuring Skindred, Babymetal, Dream Wife, Lizzo, Royal Republic and much more. Listen on spotify now.



Nandi Bushell Receives guitar from Matt Bellamy


If you want some pure joy to make you smile today, watch this video of superstar Nandi Bushell opening up a gifted guitar from Muse’s Matt Bellamy. Read about it in this article from Kerrang!

Fresh pop-punk from Meet Me @ The Altar with Hit Like A Girl.

A punchy celebration written for Women’s history month. I’m so into everything Meet Me @ The Altar are doing at the moment and really excited to hear new music from them.

Nailed It! Returns on Netflix


Nailed it is back on Netflix for season 5 and this time the contestants are in pairs. I binged the season over a weekend and it’s the perfect combination of enthusiasm, false confidence and failed baking. If you’ve not seen Nailed It!, it’s a real feel-good show where baking amateurs compete to impress judges by attempting to recreate impressive cakes in very little time.



Will you be rushing back into the party lifestyle?

I was really interested in this article by Tyla that shares the perspective of a 27 year old woman who feels ready to give up her party years after a year things at a slower pace at home. There’s no denying the last year has had a massive impact of many people, and really put a lot of things into perspective. I know a lot of my friends feel the same kind of apprehension about returning to nightclubs or busy bars, and I totally understand.

As someone who is also about to be a 27 year old woman, I feel like this year out has made me want to extend my ‘party years’ even more to make up for lost time. I’ve definitely taken to a slower pace of life more comfortably than I ever thought, and there is something incredibly appealing about a ‘night at the pub’ meaning sat in my pyjamas with drink I already have in the house and not having to walk anywhere, but I am truly itching to get back on a dance floor, to hug strangers in the bathroom and take a way-too-long walk home.

What about you, has the pandemic year affected your view on partying and embracing a calmer way of life? Come chat over on Insta @sugarstormstudio and let me know what you think.


As spring has well as truly sprung, there’s an energy of fresh starts, emerging from our winter hibernation and getting things moving again, so If you’re feeling the drive to set yourself some goals that will really work for you and actually make them happen, check out some content I’ve made about it below.

if you’re someone who often sets yourself goals and gets hyped on motivation but loses interest in a few weeks, increasingly frustrated in yourself, you’re not alone. It’s totally normal and you can find a way that works for you. In this blog post I outline a super simple way to get started on setting goals you really care about.


Make It Happen Digital Toolkit


Setting goals and improving your life (or even yourself) doesn’t need to involve changing who you are as a person, setting yourself unrealistic expectations or doing things that make you miserable just because you think you should. 

This toolkit will take you through the process that I use to set goals that I’m excited about, keep me on track to achieving them and make sure I don’t lose sight of what it is I really want out of my life. 


Lightning Moments for Spirit Said Virtual Magazine

If you want to read more about the arrival of spring and how you can use vision boards to make your dreams a reality, head to this guest article I wrote for Spirit Said, an online spiritual experience.

Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Set Any Goals

Make the most out of your goals by getting yourself prepped and focused on what you really want with these three questions.