Which Type Of Tarot Reading Is Right For Me?


Are you interested in getting your first tarot reading but not sure where to start? Or maybe you just want to know more about the different options to decide which one is you. I’ll be sharing everything you need to know about the Lightning Moment tarot readings.


The basics

There are two options for your Lightning Moments moment tarot readings, they are both opportunities to spend some time connecting with yourself and enjoying the messages from tarot. Lightning Moment E-mail readings are four card readings sent direct to your inbox for you to digest in your own time and keep forever. Lightning Moments Video Readings are seven card full tarot readings during a 45 minute video call to chat through your reading in detail.

Why Choose an email tarot reading?

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An email tarot reading is a great choice if you’re apprehensive or nervous about having a reading or would prefer to not have a video chat. It’s also the cheaper option which makes it perfect for dipping your toe into. It’s also a great option if you’ve got a busy and hectic schedule that doesn’t align with my availability, or you can’t spare the time for a full 45 minute. I always recommend giving yourself enough time to properly read and process your reading, but with it safely in your inbox you can do so in your own time, when you have the emotional capacity and however you feel most comfortable. If you want to incorporate tarot into your regular self-care and self-reflection practice, email tarot readings are a great option because you can really dive deep into them in your own time.

Why Choose a video-chat reading?

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We’ve covered the many benefits of email tarot readings, so how do you know if a video chat email is right for you? Video chat readings are much more conversational which allows us to have a back and forth that gets right to the heart of the situation and what it means for you. During our conversation I will talk you through each of the cards and their meanings, and the messages within your reading. We will then be able to talk about how this might fit in with your situation to help you understand what it is really trying to show you - but you don’t have to share anything you’re not comfortable with! Having a scheduled time for your reading might be beneficial for you if you’re likely to put off making the time to go through your reading by yourself, as it already set within the call. You also have the option to have a recording of your zoom call emailed to you after your reading, so you can come back to it in the future.

Both options allow you to gain insight from tarot, spend some quality time with yourself and explore the messages that are meant for you. If you’re still unsure or have any questions, just get in touch and I’ll be happy to answer them.