2022 Tarot Reading


Happy New Year! 2021 was another challenging year for so many people, and it might feel daunting looking ahead to 2022. I did a Year Ahead tarot spread for the collective to get a glimpse of what might be in store for us and how we, as a whole, can make the most of 2022. You might find these readings relate to your personal life, how you view society as a whole or even both. I personally interpreted with a society focus, looking at the bigger themes that are going to affect us all and how we can all work together this year. Below is the spread I used for this reading, scroll down for the full reading and let me know in this comments if this resonates with you! Sending you loads of love and good wishes for 2022 no matter what it throws your way.

What have we learnt in 2021?

King of Pentacles:

We have learnt that being successful and being a leader means being generous and sharing resources. creating opportunities for your community, living other people up alongside yourself and mutual gain. We - some of us- have learnt the value of generosity and support, and community care, so that when we have more, we are able to give more. Some still need to learn this lesson, but it has come through loud and strong for many of us.

What do we need to let go of in 2022?


Death sits on a white horse and holds a black flag with white flower on it. People are on the floor around them.

Let’s let go of everything. Everything we thought we needed, everything we knew, our support systems, our coping mechanisms, our structures and systems - it’s all coming into question and its time to really address what is working and what isn’t. This is true on a personal and societal level, as we enter a new year and we’re still dealing with the fallout from the pandemic, we need to look at what’s coming with us to the future and what needs to be left behind. We can only make a stronger, better future if we are able to walk away from everything that is holding us back.

What do we need to focus on in 2022?

The Emperor:

A woman in a red suit sits on a blue stone throne

This year focus on taking a stand for what you believe it. Lead if you are called to lead and don’t let anyone push you down or walk over you. It might feel easy to get overwhelmed with everything that’s ‘above’ you, or stronger than you, but don’t forget your own strength, and use your own thoughts, voice and power to take back control. You can lead and be a force for change while still being compassionate, gentle and kind.

What obstacles might we face in 2022?

Ace of Swords:

a hand emerges from a cloud holding a sword

In the grand scheme of ‘making the world a better place’, which I’m going to assume is always the goal, we are at the beginning of a journey - there are many paths we could take and everyone has their own opinion and ideas of what is the best option. Our challenge is to not get too caught up with the individual ideas and not putting anything to action. It’s going to need action and resilience, and doing something is better than doing nothing and waiting for the ‘right’ idea.

What tools do we have in 2022?

The Hierophant:

A woman with a crown sits on a stone throne. Two people stand at her feet.

Education and learning. We can learn from the mistakes of the past, we can learn from each other, we can learn from experts and teachers. Don’t discount the power of learning this year, keep an open mind and be ready to learn even in unexpected places. There are so many resources that we can use to develop ourselves and have a greater understanding of the world and the people in it. The internet has a lot of information but be careful of misguided information and untrustworthy sources - the Hierophant emphasises mentors, wise people and experts to learn from.

advice for the new year?

Awakening - Energetic Upgrades. A new way of being. Integration.

A backdrop of sparkly pink and blue clouds with a woman floating

There are shifts happening in our society and big things are being called in to question. Systems are failing and new structures are being built. It might feel like an uneasy time, but trust your individual process and be guided by the things that you know are true and right to you. Practice techniques that will help you stay grounded and protect you from anxiety and overwhelm, and find your people. Find (or create!) your community of people that will lift each other up, offer support and walk through this year together.

How does this reading line up with your thoughts and intentions for the new year? Let me know in the comments.

Fancy your own new years tarot reading? Book a video call reading now to explore what you want out of 2022 and how to make the most out of the new year. Click the link below for more info and to book.